Basswood Plywood 300 x 915mm
Basswood Laser Plywood is suitable for a wide range of applications including Cricut and Laser machines.
Available in a variety of thicknesses and sheet sizes, multi-ply composition ensures excellent strength and durability.
Laser friendly - or sometimes referred to as Laser ply, this range is interior grade and laser marking and cutting friendly.
Grade available Ab/Ab unless otherwise noted. (depending on material thickness)
Ab/Ab - Both side veneers have only a few small knots or discolourations.
The reverse side may have jointed veneers.
Basswood Plywood is both light and strong while being economical
*other sizes available on request sales@balsacentral.com.au
Please note - 1.0mm is 2 ply and will curl in either direction. Not suitable for laser cutting or use in Cricuit machines.
Grain Direction may vary.